For years we’ve all been operating our search engine optimization strategies based on what Google’s algorithm rewards and punishes.  After all, 80% of the world’s search traffic goes through Google.   But today’s SEO ain’t your grandpa’s SEO.   (We know, grandpa’s search engine was the New York Times and the Encyclopedia Britannica but you get the point.)

For starters, keywords aren’t as important to SEO as they once were.  They’re still a factor, of course, but the web has gotten much more complicated and there are many more factors for Google and other search engines like Bing to consider when ranking relevant content.  If your company is considering how your social media channels effect SEO, keep in mind that while we can’t be totally sure what Google’s algorithm is looking for, at the end of the day Social Platforms are Search Engines too.

Social media platforms are just as popular and widely used for searching on the web as Google and Bing.  Twitter processes over 19 billion search queries a month and Facebook handles over 1 billion every day!  That’s significant.  People are just as likely, if not more so, to search your company out on Facebook or Twitter as they are a standard Google search.  There’s a lot to learn about you based on your profile alone and while we can’t be sure just how relevant your social posts are to SEO, we can be confident that both Google and Bing factor the relevance and validity of your profile into their SERPs.   It’s important to keep these platforms up to date and informative if you want to stay relevant to your audience.

Just because Google’s algorithm doesn’t take specific tweets or status links into account when ranking pages or articles, doesn’t mean they never will.  A lot of social relevance comes from the networking services where your brand is located.  Keep a solid profile on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube if you want to ensure that your audience can find you anywhere they choose to search online.  Integrate all of these platforms with your website too and use plenty of cross-linking strategies so there is no doubt that these various channels are connected to you and your business.

As the line between searching and networking continues to blur, we can only recommend that your business maintain an active presence on all relevant platforms in order to compete in the digital space. If our social media services appeal to you, give us a call at (800) 949-0133 or schedule a one-on-one and we’d be happy to help you.


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