Ten years ago when the Internet was exploding and Zuckerberg was still pushing pencils at Harvard, the leading experts in digital marketing made a few substantial recommendations for improving brand visibility on the web. These included things like:

  • Using relevant and researched keywords
  • Create useful, relevant, and fresh content consistently
  • Link Out to reputable services and industry leaders
  • Link In whenever possible from relevant sources

These things are still part of the strategy, but the nuances have shifted a bit thanks to advances in Google’s algorithm and its sensitivity to certain “hacks.”

But what about the next 10 years? What will search be like in 2025? We’ve considered many of the leading digital trends that are informing marketing strategies all over the world and come up with a few insights for moving into the future of web marketing and digital presence.

Search engines will certainly continue to improve the relevancy of results with quality improvement and control initiatives as well as making the distinction between content optimization and algorithm hacking. That’s ongoing part of the process. Effective link building will also involve more contextual linking based on relevance.

But beyond those immediate basics, let’s jump further ahead and consider that we’re already seeing the groundwork for a transition from text to voice search. This requires more sophisticated algorithms and intuitive interface design. Wearable technology is on the rise and it’s only a matter of months or years before Google’s Glasses become Google Contact Lenses.

Whether the searches carried out in 2025 are voice based or simply neural commands from your brainsauce, the algorithm that delivers the results will be highly advanced in understanding your personal preferences and needs in order to deliver fast, reliable, and accurate results. Big Data and the interconnection of the many accounts and platforms we use will continue to blend, integrate, and share data, creating a massive network of highly predictive search technology.

The way of future marketing success is highly dependent on understanding your customer base and their connectivity. With the future of information discovery being more and more personalized, brands will need to form close partnerships with their key influencers in order to stand a chance at standing out in the cloud. Here at Incredible, we can help you with that! Give us a call at (800) 949-0133 or schedule a one-on-one.


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