1. Vegas Cosmetic Surgery (VCS/Multispecialty)


Specialty: Plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, and aesthetic dermatology

Date: June 8th – June 12th, 2016

Location: Las Vegas, NV; The Bellagio

Who’s attending? Sam Peek, CEO; Stephanie June, Incredible Educator; Drew Leahy, Director of Marketing; Sean Ryan, SEO Specialist; Svetlana Virovtseva, Incredible Educator

Booth #: 319 & 418 (two booths this year) 

Find the Incredibles: We’ll be at both our booths anytime between 9th and the 12th.

What to expect: We’re bringing the im3 (Medical Marketing Minute) booth with us this year where we’ll be teaching doctors how to shoot professional video and audio with their iPhones! Plus, we’ll be giving away a ton of free educational marketing content!


The IM3 Booth, coming to a city near you 😉


2. ASPS Aesthetica Super Symposium 

Specialty: Plastic surgery (sponsored by ASPS)

Date: June 23rd – June 25th

Location: Washington, D.C.;

Who’s attending? Sam Peek, CEO; Stephanie June, Incredible Educator

Booth #: Tabletop

Find the Incredibles: We’ll be at our tabletop all day from the 23rd-25th. See you there!

What to expect? This meeting will address the following ACGME/ABMS competencies: Professionalism, Patient care and procedural skills, Medical knowledge, Interpersonal and communication skill.





Incredible Marketing

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